Sunday, October 3, 2021

Feeding Crows during Mahalaya/Pitru Paksha

 Why do we feed crows as offerings to our ancestors? Why do we use this lowly bird as a medium to feed our ancestors?

The crow is not a lowly bird for the following reasons:

1.  Crows wake up at Brahma Mahurat everydays. (A hen and cock may miss a morning, but a crow never misses it).

2.  If a crow finds food, it immediately caws and calls other crows to share (no other animal or bird has this sterling trait)

3.  Crows don't eat after sunset, the shastras too advise against eating after sunset.

All three qualities are something that our ancestors would advise us. Hence they are said to use the crow as the medium and not any other being.

 *But why feed them during Mahalaya* ? This is the only season crows mate and breed. *So what?* Our civilization wanted crows to breed and multiply. *But why?* To have more Peepal and Banyan trees around us. *What do crows have to do with Peepal and Banyan trees?* Peepal and Banyan trees sprout only and only from the seeds that have passed through the intestinal tract of crows, and not from anything else. *But why this interest to have more Peepal and Banyan trees?* Unlike other trees, Peepal and Banyan trees give out oxygen 24 X 7. They are oxygen plants!

So the next time, someone calls this a superstitious practice, educate the person with this knowledge.

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